
Author recommendation: Emily Winfield Martin

Let me set the stage. The year is 2007. I’m 16. I come across a blog (Inside a Black Apple) full of whimsical artwork, moody characters, all begging to have their stories heard. At first glance, it came off as cute, vintage art, but when you really look at it, there’s an edge behind it. And I fell in love.

A photo from 2014, showing off a new print
One of my earliest prints from Emily Martin

Fast forward to today. Emily Winfield Martin now has books for children. All is good in the world, or at least on H’s bookshelf. H loves the whimsy in Dream Animals, Day Dreamers, and The Littlest Family’s Big Day. Prints hang in her nursery, and she giggles at the various creatures.

Dream Animals and Day Dreamers both have characters that are stylistically similar to Martin’s older art. They feel the most nostalgic to me, and they read similar to Goodnight Moon and The Runaway Bunny. The Littlest Family’s Big Day is adorable, and has a large flip open page at the end of the story. All books are lovely, and would make a great bookshelf addition!

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